Live Event Poster: Debra DiGiovanni
Live Event Poster: Debra DiGiovanni
Every live event should have an eye-catching poster, and for this one, we emphasized "Live Comedy" because it is not a common live event type in the market.
Every live event should have an eye-catching poster, and for this one, we emphasized "Live Comedy" because it is not a common live event type in the market.
Fun fact: This event also took place in an auditorium without a logo, so we designed a logo for the Keystone Centre's Amphitheatre while we put the poster together!
My role on this project was lead designer, creating all of the graphics - while respecting the artist and their representation's requests, and managing the project's production.
My role on this project was lead designer, creating all of the graphics - while respecting the artist and their representation's requests, and managing the project's production.